Our Impact
Recognizing the magnitude of societal challenges, AHINSA is committed to creating a lasting influence. Aligned with our core values, we support a range of initiatives to make a meaningful difference in our community.
Gandhi Day: Creative Expressions Contest
As part of the 2024 Mahatma Gandhi Birthday Celebration facilitated by AHINSA with programming support from the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion at Carnegie Mellon University, we invite entries for the 8th Annual Creative Expressions Contest from elementary (grades 3 - 5), middle (grades 6 - 8), and high (grades 9 - 12) school students. This year’s theme for reflection is:
Crafting Harmony in the Contemporary World
Deadline for submissions is September 11, 2024. The award prizes for each school level category are:
First Prize - $750
Second Prize - $500
Third Prize - $250
Gandhi Day will be celebrated on Sunday, October 6th 2024 at 2 pm in Rangos Ballroom of Jared L. Cohon University Center at Carnegie Mellon University featuring Creative Expressions winners and participants.

Please submit your entries using the QR Code or go to https://forms.gle/MUPvaBoQcnPzUwbj7. Direct any questions via email to contests@ahinsa.us. To upload your entry, please use a Google account, or you may send your entry to the above email address with all the information captured on Google Form. Please do not write your name or the name of your school anywhere on your submission
Mahatma Gandhi
"In the pursuit of community harmony, let us remember that the foundation lies in the collective spirit of understanding and tolerance. We must strive for unity, embracing the diversity that enriches our shared existence. Nonviolence is the cornerstone; through it, we can craft a community where each individual contributes to the well-being of the whole. The path to harmony demands empathy, self-discipline, and a commitment to dialogue. In this collective endeavor, we build not just a community but a sanctuary of peace, echoing the principles that sustain humanity."
The Story of My Experiments with Truth & Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule
Martin Luther King Jr.
“In the quest for community harmony, let us heed the call for justice, equality, and brotherhood. Driven by a dream of unity, we must confront the forces that divide us. Through love, understanding, and nonviolent resistance, we can forge a community where the content of character prevails over the color of skin. Together, we build bridges of empathy and compassion, dismantling the barriers that stand in the way of a harmonious society. In the tapestry of humanity, let our shared values weave a story of togetherness, where every individual contributes to the symphony of peace and justice.”
"I Have a Dream" speech, "Letter from Birmingham Jail": Written in April 1963 & "Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?"​​​
Elementary: Grades 3 to 5*
Submit creative art that represents Gandhi and MLK’s belief that community harmony can be promoted through Interfaith dialogue, non-violent conflict resolution, community building and citizen diplomacy.
Please provide a brief description of the art composition up to 100 words.
Middle: Grades 6 to 8*
Submit an essay, poetry, or musical composition that represents Gandhi and MLK’s belief that community harmony can be promoted through Interfaith dialogue, non-violent conflict resolution, community building and citizen diplomacy. Also explain why Gandhi’s approach to community harmony is important in current times. Please limit the word count of essay or poetry up to 500 words and musical composition up to 4 minutes.
High: Grades 9 to 12*
Same topic and requirements as Grades 6 to 8. However, in you work please include examples of what might be implemented through citizen action that reflect those beliefs.
​*Grade in 2023 - 2024 Academic year (Grade prior to grade starting in August 2024 academic year); Musical Composition can be done solo or as a group of students in the same school grade category (6 to 8 or 9 to 12). For those submitting musical composition you can provide the purpose/motivation of your work up to 100 words